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The Church of St. Emiliano   Italiano.gif (234 byte)      
plan n. 5 - C2

Named after the first bishop and martyr, and Patron Saint of the town, the actual building was almost entirely rebuilt in 1893 on Neo-classical lines with echoes of the 1400s after a plan by Carimini.

All that remain from earlier churches are the three beautiful apses (XIcent),the delicately sculptured portal (XVc.) and the Altar of the Blessed Sacrament by Rocco da Vicenza (1522), and various XV and XVI cent. frescoes, a recently restored painted wooden crucifix, and two statues of St. Emiliano, one from the XVcent. and the one used in the processions (1751).

(Translated by Sheila Rylands 1998)

Trevi, Chiesa di s. Emiliano

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