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Originally it was a private house, then, in 1650, donated by the priest Antonio Costa to the Congregation of the Philippine Friars to be their church. When the Congregation moved to the New Church of Piaggia, this church hosted the Confraternita delle Stimmate di S. Francesco. Costa donated also a big amount of money to support the priests and to institute an annual prize for three young maids in need of a dowry from Coste, Manciano and Ponze. The lateral window was used to receive the “application forms” of the maids asking for a dowry.  This one was used to receive the requests for the Lucarini Lascito (an heritage left by the Lucarini family), managed by the Confraternita delle Stimmate.


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Alberto Barbini 1989-2008 - Translated by Bill Thayer ©2010

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Aggiornamento: 27 aprile 2017.