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The municipal theatre of Trevi, or Teatro Clitunno, was built to a design of the architect Domenico Mollaioli in 1874. Its interior is noted for the best work of painter Domenico Bruschi: a stage curtain representing the visit of the emperor Caligula to the temple of the god Clitumnus. The inscription on the façade of the theatre is dedicated to Tiberio
Natalucci, a famous musician and politician of Trevi also known as the man who drained the lands of Cannaiola in the valley below. The interior of the theatre, with its two tiers of boxes and a gallery, is a gem. The people of Trevi affectionately refer to the building as the "bomboniera", or candy box. It was restored in 1990 by the Region of Umbria with IOF funds from the European Community.

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Alberto Barbini 1989-2008 - Translated by Bill Thayer ©2010

Associazione Pro Trevi - I-06039 TREVI (PG)
E-mail: protrevi@protrevi.com
© 1996-2023 by F. Spellani
Grafica e gestione: Explica s.r.l.
Aggiornamento: 23 settembre 2023.