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The Gates of Trevi Italiano.gif (234 byte) 

Over the centuries, the walls of Trevi have included several gates.

In the original circuit of Roman walls, three gates can be identified. One, in the Via del Fiscale, has been unused since time immemorial and is perfectly intact; another, the Arco del Mostaccio, was modified during the rebuildings of the thirteenth century; and traces of the third can be made out at the end of the Via dell'Orticaro toward the Via S. Francesco. Any fourth gate that might once have existed would have been drowned in the buildings on the north side of town, across from the church of S. Francesco.

Trevi, Italy. La porta Nuova. Panorama degli oliveti a sudest.
The Porta Nova, from the inside
In the early twentieth century, when the walls facing onto the Piazza Garibaldi were pulled down, so were the nineteenth-century Porta Pia and the Porta del Lago.

Today there remain six gates: the Porta del Cieco or Blind Man's Gate; the Porta della Strada Nuova or New Road Gate (1857), the porta Nova or New Gate, the Porta di S. Fabiano, the Porta del Bruscito and the Porta dei Cancelli or Wicket Gate.


Trevi, Italy. Porta del Cieco.
The Porta del Cieco, or Blind Man's Gate

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Translated by Bill Thayer ©2010


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Aggiornamento: 27 aprile 2017.