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Old Gate of S. Fabiano Italiano.gif (234 byte)   



The old gate, which had been abandoned for centuries because it was somewhat inconveniently sited, and as a result had wound up giving onto a cliff, was replaced by a suitably fortified impressive new gate a few yards away.

It had been blocked up for ages with dry set masonry that itself had in turn caved in. The gate stood for ages in the condition seen in this photograph: every once in a while part of it would crumble off, clearly foreshadowing its inevitable collapse.

As soon as it collapsed, all its stones vanished



Trevi, Italy - Antica porta di S. Fabiano, distrutta

















Remains of the old gate
(Photo: 1975)


Trevi, Italy - Resti della facciata della chiesa di S. Fabiano e antica porta 

Trevi , Via S. Fabiano. Remains of the façade of the church of S. Fabiano. On the right, the old gate providing access to the fortified town of Trevi (Photo: 1975)


The gate had survived the church by almost a century.


On a mere whim, according to the fashion of the day, the church was destroyed for the sole purpose of recycling the stone to rebuild the church of S. Croce.

The very handsome door was disassembled and now serves as the entrance to the sacristy of S. Croce.



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Translated by Bill Thayer ©2010


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Aggiornamento: 27 aprile 2017.