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Mostaccio Arch      
 plan n. 45 - D3 

 The so-called medieval arch was the original entry gate to the ancient fortress. It was rebuilt in the 13th C. on the site of the ancient Roman Gate, all of which remain are the massive base-blocks in red "breccione". Its original function is bearly visible today as it appears to be merely an arch wedged between two buildings in via Dogali. The ancient Roman Walls no longer visible here, as they have been incorporated in adjoining buildings, are on the other hand still perfectly preserved in via Fantosati and in via del Fiscale (B2)

The urban development is interspersed with various medieval buildings and remains (via Amici above S. Francesco, via S. Filippo, via dei Setaioli, via Dogali west of the Arch). Early Renaissance (via Dogali, via Natalucci, via Riccardi west of St. Emiliano, via Setaioli, via Ombrosa ) and ornate residences worthy of much bigger towns.
(Translated by Sheila Rylands 1998)

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